
Be your own #1 Fan

Hey Friends ~

I feel like I have learned some pretty valuable lessons in the past couple of weeks. Perfect timing considering we're in the midst of episodic season and auditions are increasing by the week! Wanna hear em? Are you sureeeee? Ok FINE! If you insist . . .

1. Success is inevitable. Yup. Comforting right?! I know tellllll me about it.

2. #1 is only true if you back it up consistent perseverance, hard work, dedication, passion, specific marketing, focused actions, etc. etc..............omg that's alot.......

3. You can't fail if you don't QUIT!.........Oh thank God....

4. Have INTEGRITY in your work. Do it to its fullest!! Don't make your job, your rep's job, the CDs job, the producer's job etc. HARDER. Don't half ass ANYTHING. Kill it. Always. End of story.

5. BE YOUR OWN BIGGEST FAN!! It's honestly very relieving. Like yourself. Love yourself and all that you do. Who caresssss if nobody else likes you as long as your biggest fan does ;-)

I feel like I've heard people tell me these things a MILLION times before but theres nothing like having them actually sink IN you know?

So there you go Friends. I rarely talk about what's going on with ME. It's usually all about what I'm up to. So I thought this would be a nice change. =)

Hope you enjoyed my inner monologue! ;-)

Tell next timeeeee ~