When did I stop writing blog posts?? I just re-read a lot of my old ones and I was . . . ADORABLE in them. Like, they were PRESH.
It is currently 8:12 pm on a Tuesday evening and I am STUFFED with Sugarfish. Well I should say I'm stuffed with tuna. I'm historically allergic to almost every kind of fish besides tuna.
So. Tuna.
I'm stuffed with tuna.
So, I'm reading this book called Big Magic. Have you read it? If you haven't DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND READ IT IMMEDIATELY. It's all about fear during the creative process and I'm OBSESSED.

It's become my go-to during any down time I have during pilot season. Which is not a lot. (kill me).
In the section I'm reading right now Elizabeth Gilbert is PREACHING about just DOING something creative. Taking out all the questioning. Taking out all the need to feel original. Taking out all the need to feel like you're gunna save the world. Just fucking DO something.
Especially during this time of year. There's such a high volume of auditions with extremely short turn around time . . .the creative PROCESS isn't the thing you stress when you have to be at CBS Radford in 2 hours and have 11 pages of sides prepped.
But I love this idea of doing something ELSE. Anything ELSE. And just DOING. IT.
You have Big Magic to thank for my return to blogging. Expect lots more updates on my sassy feelings about things.
Yes. Incase my visitors have forgotten . . . I'm very sassy. And I use the F word like all the time.
Go read Big Magic. Just do it.